before you read...
this site was made in a 1920x1080 monitor, with the marble firefox fork. if there is a bug on here, please report it to me on discord. please also include: the specific browser, and in detail whats going on.
my name is hex, but you may also know me as anti. i like looking at things that interest me, as all people do.
i am a huge fan of games, music, chilling with people, and generally anything that brings a 2000s-2010s vibe.
what am i currently fixated on?
currently, i am fixated on: 3ds modding.
at the moment, i am a huge fan of:
- leroy
- dashie
- crafter2011
- xaev/schnozz
- fur:trash
- kur0myx
- tictacto
- renard
- the quick brown fox
- posca von gabba
- gynx
- shoebill
- bandetto
- holy priest
- lil texas
- dr. peacock
- angel cannon
- ray volpe
- svdden death
- 621 gecs
- eliminate
- crankdat
- hairitage
- black tiger sex machine
- telemist
- tally hall
- micah dailey-white
- literalhat
- panchiko
- that handsome devil